Application to join MUFON

Print this out and send it to:
Mutual UFO Network, Inc.
103 Oldtowne Road
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 USA


Name _________________________ Age ______ Occupation ______________________

Address _________________________________________ City _____________________

State ______________________ ZIP code ____________ County _________________

Country ____________________ Telephone: Home ( )______________________

Work ( )______________________

Please enter your highest formal
educational level or degree _________________________________________________

Other fields of specialized training ________________________________________

Are you an Amateur Radio Operator? __________ Call Letters _________________

Do you have a Citizens Band radio? __________ Call Letters _________________

List other UFO organizations to which you belong ____________________________

What is your prime interest in the study of the UFO phenomenon? _____________


Have you concentrated your research to a category? __________________________

If so, what is your specialized field of expertise? _________________________


Are you an amateur astronomer? _______________

Model of Telescope ___________________

Considering your interest, education, experience, occupation, and available personal time, in which capacity do you feel that you could best serve MUFON in UFO research or investigations?

Consultant ______ State Director______ State Section Director ______

Field Investigator ______ Research Specialist ______ Astronomy ______

Contributing Subscriber ______ Amateur Radio Operator ______

UFO News Clipping Service ______ Field Investigator Trainee ______

Date ____________________ Signature ________________________________________

Appointed to the position of ________________________________________________

and ____________________________________________  on ________________________

                                        Annual Membership
Membership Card Issued ________/______  Dues Received _______________________
                                                      (date)   (amount)
Annual Membership Dues Received _______________________

Your State Section Director is:         for: Adult [   ]  Student [   ]
_______________________________              JOURNAL Subcription  [   ]
Your State or Provincial Director:      Approved by _________________________

_______________________________                    Walter H. Andrus, Jr.
_______________________________                    International Director
                                                  Telephone: (210) 379-9216